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Expat Investment Platforms

Expat Investment Platforms For


Pensions & Savings

The Latest Investment Technology

The growing number of expat investment platforms entering the overseas market is a welcome change to traditional offshore products. Platforms facilitate the swift opening of accounts, enhanced reporting and making changes much simpler. Taking regulated advice from our team of advisors guarantees you'll get the best solution for you.

Why Use Platforms?

  • Transparent fees, no hidden charges

  • Low custody and trading costs

  • Ongoing fee-based structure 

  • Liquid, daily-traded assets

  • Penalty-free access to capital 

  • Quick redemption times

  • Fund comparison and research tools

  • Access to 6,000 ETF's and mutual funds 

  • Simple opening of accounts

  • 24 hour online access

Expat Financial advice

Consolidate Your Investments

You can invest in a range of currencies including in GBP, USD, EUR, HKD, AUD and CHF so you can monitor diversified  assets and manage income streams easily. We'll help consolidate your investments into one online portal, managing your pensions, lump-sum investments and regular saving accounts all in one place. 

Investment Platforms for Expats

Multiple Currencies

Multiple Investments 

One Account

Non-Contractual Regular Savings

Flexibility is key in an uncertain world, so avoiding the high fees and liquidity restrictions of contractual offshore products is key to investment success.  Expat investment platforms give the flexibility you need, with the ability to make contributions and withdraw your money without being penalised.

Non-contractual investment platforms facilitate long-term saving with short-term liquidity. If children arrive,  you purchase a house or the bank of Mum and Dad is needed along the way, you'll have the funds at your fingertips. 

We'll work with you remotely and provide all information electronically to get you started quickly and efficiently. Get in touch today and learn more about expat investment platforms and how regulated advice and the latest investment technology will benefit you. 

Arrange A Consultation
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